Professional organisations & partners

Part of a strong network - our professional associations

As a fiduciary company, we attach great importance to quality, professionalism and constant dialogue with experts from the industry.

That is why we are a member of the following professional associations:

The leading organisation for auditing, tax and fiduciary services in Switzerland. Our membership guarantees the highest quality standards and continuous training.

IFA (International Fiscal Association)
A global network of experts in the field of international tax law practice that promotes the exchange of knowledge and co-operation.

Schweizerische Treuhandvereinigung
The industry association that stands for quality and expertise in the fiduciary sector in Switzerland.

Zuger Treuhändervereinigung (ZTV)
The local professional association in Zug, which represents the interests of fiduciaries in the region and promotes dialogue between professionals.

Zuger Steuervereinigung (ZSV)
An association of tax experts in Zug that supports dialogue on tax law issues and local developments.

SRO Treuhand Suisse
Self-regulatory organisation for trust companies in Switzerland that works to ensure compliance with legal requirements in the area of money laundering prevention.

Together for success - our partners

We work with leading providers and platforms to offer you the best solutions and services. Our partnerships enable us to guarantee you a first-class service.

Our partners at a glance:

Innovative solutions for compliance and reporting.

Dr. Tax
Professional software for tax returns and tax planning.

Leistungsstarke ERP-Software für umfassendes Unternehmensmanagement.

Powerful ERP software for comprehensive company management.

The cloud-based platform for efficient trust management.

Your benefit: Quality and expertise through strong partnerships

Our memberships in renowned professional associations are more than just a sign of our expertise—they are your added value. These connections enable us to offer you the following benefits:

  • Up-to-date expertise
    We stay current with the latest legal, tax, and fiduciary developments—both nationally and internationally.

  • Exclusive access to expert networks
    Our memberships allow us to exchange ideas with specialists and access valuable resources that we can directly utilise for you.

  • Highest quality standards
    Our cooperation with leading associations ensures that we deliver our services in accordance with the strictest guidelines and best practices.

  • Continuous professional development
    Our teams benefit from regular training and development, enabling us to provide you with the best possible support.

With us, you gain a partner who is not only reliable but also exceptionally well-connected and future-oriented.




It is possible, under certain conditions, to notify rather than paying the 35% withholding tax on dividends to foreign companies. This also applies to so-called hidden profit distributions, which may only come up as a result of a tax audit. A notification instead of a payment ensures that the withholding tax does not result in …



It is possible, under certain conditions, to notify rather than paying the 35% withholding tax on dividends to foreign companies. This also applies to so-called hidden profit distributions, which may only come up as a result of a tax audit. A notification instead of a payment ensures that the withholding tax does not result in …